Professional Organizations to Join


Academy of American Poets
American Fiction Christian Writers
American Crime Writers League
Horror Writers Association
The International Women’s Writing Guild
Mystery Writers of America
National Writers Association
National Writers Union
Nonfiction Authors Association
Poetry Society of America
Romance Writers of America
Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America
Sisters in Crime
Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators
Western Writers of America

Rocky Mountain Region:

Northern Colorado Writers
Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers
Wyoming Writers, Inc.

For Self-Published Authors:

Colorado Independent Publishers Association
Small Publishers Association of North America

Writing Contests and Awards:

The easiest place to find information on Contests and Awards is still the Writer’s Market Books (Writer’s Market, Children’s Writer’s Market, Novel and Short Story Writer’s Market, etc.) Check the sections in the back on Contests and Awards

Writers Conferences to Attend:

For a complete and updated list of writing conferences, visit Shaw Guides.

For a breakdown of conferences by region, visit Writer’s Digest and look under “Find Resources.”

A few of my partner conferences:
Colorado Gold Conference
Northern Colorado Writers Conference
Pikes Peak Writers Conference
Society of Children’s Books Writers and Illustrators Conferences
Nonfiction Writers Conference

Great Websites for Writers:

New websites and blogs for and about writers appear and disappear daily. Keep your eyes and ears open for sites your friends and colleagues enjoy and recommend. In the meantime, here are a few to get you started:

Visit Writer’s Digest’s website for a list of their 101 top websites for writers at under “Find Resources.” I recommend many of the sites they have listed, and they update their list annually.

Preditors and Editors: A Guide to publishers and publishing services for writers at:

Poets and Writer’s Magazine Website: Subscribe to their free newsletter for up-to-date information on contests and events, etc.

Publisher’s Marketplace
Subscribe to their free daily newsletter on happenings in the publishing industry. For an additional fee ($20 per month) you can get access to their marketplace, where you’ll find updated information on who’s selling what to whom. This can be very helpful when you’re looking for an agent or editor, so I recommend subscribing at least during that time period. For the member’s price you will also get a more thorough daily newsletter.

Children’s Book Insider
This is an excellent resource for children’s book writers. It is full of advice, recommendations, and guides from successful professionals in the field. There is a small monthly membership fee that grants you access to a community of writers, a step-by-step writing course, video instruction and commentary, current publishing news, and much more.

Picture eBook Mastery
This highly efficient course from the creators of Children’s Book Insider walks you through how to create a fully illustrated children’s e-book using Amazon Kindle’s Kids Book Creator software. The course demystifies the entire process, from finding illustrations through publishing and marketing your book.

Smart Blogger
The foremost site on how to start, maintain, and grow your blog. Get the free beginners guide to how to start your own blog here.

Masters in English
Check out their “100 Essential Sites for Voracious Readers,” page for some awesome websites to help readers and writers.

Online Learning

Writing Blueprints
This website provides writing blueprints to walk you through the writing, publishing, and marketing of your books. Whether writing for children or adults, each blueprint provides instructional video, tips, resources, and interactive PDFs to help you determine the best routes for you!



Association of Authors’ Representatives
The Association of Authors’ Representatives is a not-for-profit organization of qualified literary agents and dramatic representatives of authors, dramatists and other creators and owners of intellectual property.